Scientists Breed Hazelnuts as the Next Cash Crop for Midwest Farmers
Original post at Newsbug.info By Greg Stanley, Star Tribune (Minneapolis) From a hill surrounded by the thawing mud of empty cornfields, farmer Chris Gamer leaned over a 1-year-old hazelnut bush. “This makes me really happy,” he said, holding a catkin...
Irrigation Innovations May be Key for Hazelnut Crops
Original post in Capital Press By GAIL OBERST INDEPENDENCE, Ore. — How much water does a hazelnut tree need to produce the best crop? Definitive answers are still in the future, but there’s hope in technology, and in the trials of other growers, said expert panelists...
Hazelnuts 365: Why Oregon’s State Nut May Be the Key to Disease Prevention
Original post in Eureka Alert PUBLIC RELEASE: 11-DEC-2018 New study finds daily consumption of hazelnuts improves biomarker of vitamin E status in older adults OREGON HAZELNUT MARKETING BOARD Dec 10, 2018 – Aurora, Ore. – Hazelnuts are poised to be...
Hazelnuts Improve Older Adults’ Micronutrient Levels
Original post in Eureka Alert Science News PUBLIC RELEASE: 6-DEC-2018 Hazelnuts improve older adults’ micronutrient levels OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY CORVALLIS, Ore. – Older adults who added hazelnuts to their diet for a few months significantly improved...