Minimum Hazelnut Price Jumps to 83 Cents Per Pound
By MATEUSZ PERKOWSKI Original post in Capital Press Hazelnuts harvested from the orchards head to the processors in the fall. Oregon growers will receive at least 83 cents per pound for the 2019 crop. (Oregon Hazelnut Industry) While hazelnuts remain mired in a...
Oregon Hazelnut Growers Respond to Increasing Consumption
Original post in Fresh Plaza September 12, 2019 Research conducted by various groups in the United States indicate that hazelnut consumption is increasing. Consumer attitudes toward hazelnuts are evolving, with people increasingly seeing them as a healthy snack. A...
Live Webinar! Friday September 13th, 10 AM – Marketing Strategies for Expanding Domestic Markets
Tune in Friday, September 13 a few minutes before 10 a.m. PST to watch LIVE on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Click HERE to join our HAZELNUT MARKETING WEBINAR at 10 AM on Friday, Sept 13. This is a recorded event. You will be asked for a name and email address....
Trade Release Contact: Vickie Fite Vickie.fite@mslgroup.com 310-613-0937 PRODUCT DEVELOPERS ANTICIPATE BROADER USE OF HAZELNUTS Nine in Ten “Positive” on Hazelnuts U.S. Market Prospects HUBBARD, Ore. – Product development executives across the food industry widely...